Friday 21 September 2012


SUB-GRID 1 - Pauline Woolley 2012

When I visited Boulby Mine back in May, I was very interested in the underground maps we were shown during the tour.  My original idea of abstracting the maps through drawing has made way for a simplified interpretation and I have in the last month been preoccupied with grids.  This has come from the grid formation on the map paper and also the grid netting hanging over certain areas of the mine.  It's been interesting to look at other artists such as Agnes Martin who use the grid within their own work.  For Agnes Martin the grid represented spirituality but for me it has become a frame for the photographic work to sit in.

The paintings, though embryonic at this stage, are beginning to acquire surface through the patience of layering and leaving.  There really is a building process happening with the paint and they have begun to show their potential.  Instinctively I know that these will be slow burn pieces over the next 6 months.  I feel excited about them and challenged by how the photographic work and the paintings will sit together in the show.

SUB-GRID 2 - Pauline Woolley 2012