Tuesday 7 January 2014


Landscape with a Rainbow - Joseph Wright

I surround myself with collected images.  Postcards of exhibitions and printed images are in my line of vision everyday.  These undoubtedly have an influence on my creative subconscious and this was highlighted the other day when I realised an important visual connection that had been staring me in the face.

I have had stuck on a cupboard for long while a postcard from Derby Museum.  On the front is a painting by Joseph Wright of Derby titled ‘Landscape with a Rainbow’.

The flash of coloured light streaking across a dark sky seemed to resonate more with me whilst glancing at it yesterday.  There was a slight jarring then an almost parting of creative clouds in my mind as to why I have loved this painting.  “Solargraphs” I said to myself.  “It reminds me of my solargraphs”.

Though the painting is of a different natural light phenomenon, in this case a rainbow, the chiaroscuro of the image seemed to echo in my head my previous summers work and work to come.

The coincidence of all of this came 72 hours after visiting Black Rocks in Derbyshire, the surrounding subject area in which Joseph Wright made his landscape paintings and an area that could well be the focal point of my new work.